2023 Vendor Resources

If you are NOT an approved vendor, please do not use the payment links on this page. Instead, please send an email to info@pretzelparkfarmersmarket.com.

Please include in the email the following information.

  • The items you wish to sell.
  • A photo or two if you do not have a website , Facebook page, Etsy account, etc., that we can access.

If you are a Food Artisan Vendor please also include the following information.

  • A copy of a license (Kitchen license, PA Department of Agriculture, County license, SafeServ Certificate, etc.)

If you ARE an approved vendor, please use the links on the page to pay your vendor fee by the day before the market you will be attending.

Resources for Vendors

Use this option to make one of the standard payments.

Select the payment option, enter your business name or description, and click on the Pay Now button

Standard Payments
Vendor / Description

Use this option to make non-standard payments.

Enter you business name or description along with what you are paying for, and click on the Pay Now button. You will be able to enter an amount once you get into PayPal


Vendor / Description